is 100% USDA Certified

We start by sourcing only certified organic beans from qualified organic growers.

For coffee to be certified by the United States Department of Agriculture it must be grown using at least 95% organic fertilizers and without the use of chemical pesticides.

We are proud to say that River Road Coffees has held USDA Certification for Organic since 2009. We are one of the only coffee roasters in south Louisiana area to achieve this certification.

We are passionate about organic coffee.

coffee bean  WHY ROAST AND DRINK

       organic coffee?

Organic coffee is best for our bodies and for the environment, and more importantly, our customers say it tastes great.

We craft our organic products according to strict processing guidelines provided by the USDA. Carefully processing the beans, transporting, storing, roasting, and packaging the fine coffee...

Every step is taken with intention to guarantee 100% organic authenticity. This ensures only pure organic coffee arrives fresh-roasted in your cup.

What you may not know is companies are allowed to label their product as "Organic" even when as much as 30% of the product is not organic. Buyer beware!

At River Road Coffees, when we say the coffee we roast and package is organic, it is 100% organic.


C'est bon


Try our organic medium - dark roast




Try our decaffeinated organic
medium roast

coffee bean  WHAT IS

        USDA Organic Coffee Certification?

100% Organic

The OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Association) oversees standards established for organically produced agricultural products in the U.S.

Everything from the health of the soil, prohibition of pesticide usage, exposure to non-organic products/materials, and the impact on surrounding environments are monitored during the production stage.

The USDA organic standards also require strict adherence to manufacturing, processing and handling guidelines.

River Road Coffees consistently complies to these strict standards to bring you fresh and delicious organic coffee:

  • We use only certified organic beans, tracked from farm to processing
  • We never use synthetic or chemical inputs
  • We always separate non-organic vs organic beans by a minimum of 50 feet
  • We prohibit the use of pest control around any of the product or warehouse
  • Our certification is renewed yearly, only after a complete USDA Certification Warehouse inspection

River Road Coffees is proud to be one of the only USDA Organic Certified Roasters in the south Louisiana.

We promise to deliver our Louisiana customers 100% certified organic coffee beans, 100% of the time.

What do people say about our organic beans?

“ Love the taste. I bought it because it was organic, but it taste awesome! ”

Part of Our company culture is about being healthy. We believe, and research has shown, that an organic product is good for us so we also want to bring it to our customers.

Drink and enjoy!